Lesson Plan of Discussion Text (Reading)
UKU K LESSON PLAN Name Heny Astuti, S.Pd. Institution MAN 1 Bandar Lampung Year 2024 Subject English Level Senior High School Grade 12th Time Allocation 3 meetings (9 lesson hours) […]

Name | Heny Astuti, S.Pd. |
Institution | MAN 1 Bandar Lampung |
Year | 2024 |
Subject | English |
Level | Senior High School |
Grade | 12th |
Time Allocation | 3 meetings (9 lesson hours) @45 minutes |
Phase | F |
Content | Discussion Text (Green Energy) |
Learning Outcomes | Reading – Viewing By the end of Phase F, students read and respond to various texts such as narratives, descriptions, expositions, procedures, arguments, and discussions independently. They read to learn something, and read for pleasure. They search for, synthesize, and evaluate specific details and the core of various types of texts. These texts can be printed or digital, including visual, multimodal, or interactive texts. They demonstrate understanding of main ideas, issues, or plot developments in various texts. They identify the author’s purpose and make inferences to understand implied information in the text. |
Learning Objectives | After learning the material of discussion texts (reading-viewing element), students will be able to:
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills | Mastering vocabulary related to the discussion text being taught. |
Pancasila Student Profile Target | Students who are faithful and pious to God Almighty, critical thinkers, and collaborative. |
The number of students | 38 students |
Learning model | Cooperative and Technology-Based Learning To know about the Cooperative Learning Model, please click here and the Technology-Based Learning Model for EFL instruction, please click here. |
Assessment | individual (written) and group |
Material, Media, Method and Source | A. Material: https://stemagazine.com/collection-of-discussion-texts/ B. Media: laptop, TV, and web pages C. Methods: drilling, …………. D. Source: https://stemagazine.com/collection-of-discussion-texts/ |
Meeting 1
| Opening Activities (10 minutes)
Main Activities (75 minutes)
Closing Activities (5 minutes)
Meeting 2 | |