Home Languages Learning English English Lesson Plan Lesson Plan of Report Text (Reading)
English Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan of Report Text (Reading)

THE LESSON PLAN OF THE REPORT TEXT Name Stephanie Del School SMA 90 Academic Year/Semester 2024-2025/2 Subject English Level Senior High School Phase E Grade 10th Time Allocation 1 meeting, […]


Name Stephanie Del
School SMA 90
Academic Year/Semester 2024-2025/2
Subject English
Level Senior High School
Phase E
Grade 10th
Time Allocation 1 meeting, 3 lesson hours, @45 minutes, total 135 minutes
Content Report Text (Mosques)
Learning Outcomes (CP)

Reading – Viewing

Students read and respond to a variety of texts. They read to learn or to find information. They locate and evaluate specific details and main ideas of a variety of texts. These texts may be in the form of printed or digital texts, including visual, multimodal or interactive texts. They are developing understanding of main ideas, issues or plot development in a variety of texts. They identify the author’s purposes and develop simple inferential skills to help them understand implied information from the texts.

Learning Objective After learning the material of report text (reading-viewing element), students will be able to:
  1. get the main idea of a report text;
  2. find the detailed information in a report text;
  3. get the meaning of vocabulary specific to report text, including key terms and phrases, synonym/antonym of words used within the context of the text;
  4. find the idea/person referred by reference in a report text;
  5. make inference/draw a conclusion in a report text.

To see:

  1. English learning outcomes  phase E and F before revision please click here;
  2. after revision, click here;
  3. and Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs for learning objectives, click here.
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills Mastering vocabulary related to the report text being taught.
Pancasila Student Profile Target Students who are faithful and pious to God Almighty, critical thinkers, and collaborative.
Learning Model

Cooperative and Technology-Based Learning

To know about the Cooperative Learning Model, please click here and the Technology-Based Learning Model for EFL instruction, please click here.


individual and group assessments (for learning, as learning, and of learning)

Material, Media, Method and Source A. Material: Report Text about Mosques 

B. Media: laptop, TV, and web pages

C. Method: Guided Reading

D. Source:

  1. https://stemagazine.com,
  2.  https://www.youtube.com/@SteMagazineDotCom
Learning Activities Opening Activities (15 minutes)
  1. The teacher greets the students and invites them to pray together.
  2. The teacher checks the students’ attendance.
  3. The teacher introduces the reading topic, Mosque, and then explains the learning objectives and the benefits to motivate the students.
  4. The teacher provides an overview of the material coverage and general learning steps.
  5. The teacher encourages students to recall previous lessons and connect them with the material to be learned (apperception).

Main Activities (110 minutes)

A. Pre-Reading Activity

  1. The teacher plays a video about Mosques. The  students are asked to watch the video to build their knowledge on the mosques. Before watching, the teacher shows the students some questions as their guide in watching the video.
  2. After watching, the teacher facilitates a group discussion using the questions. Form groups of 5 students to discuss the questions.
  3. After discussing, ask 1 representative from each group to present the answers to those questions in front of the class.

During the discussion and when group representatives present their answers in front of the class, the teacher makes observations and takes notes. Once the presentations are finished, the teacher provides feedback on students’ performance and answers.

B. Vocabulary Introduction

  1. The teacher has the students learn the vocabulary (related/technical words) to understand the upcoming text better. The teacher plays the audio for each vocabulary word, has the students repeat it, and then discusses the meaning together with the class.
  2. Once finished, the students are asked to listen to the entire audio of the words to reinforce their understanding.

C. Guided Reading

-First Reading

  1. The teacher has the students carefully read the text while playing the accompanying audio. As they read each paragraph, they follow along with the audio and view the corresponding image.
  2. After reading each paragraph, the teacher discusses the main idea and any unfamiliar words with the class to ensure comprehension.

-Second Reading

  1. In their groups, students will first reread the text, focusing on key elements of the reading topic, using guiding questions to facilitate discussion. As they read, they take notes on important points. Afterward, they consolidate these notes within their groups and prepare a summary of their answers. To save time, students remain in their seats while delivering their answers. Before presenting, they are asked to take a photo of their answers and send it to the teacher to prevent copying others’ answers. One representative from each group then presents their findings, and the teacher provides feedback, using this as an opportunity for assessment.
  2. To reinforce and consolidate their learning, the teacher has the students listen to the entire audio or watch the video of the text.

D. Discussing the Grammatical Aspects of the Text

  1. The teacher, together with the students, reviews the key grammatical aspects of the text, focusing on verb tense (the simple present tense) and any specific grammatical forms that are prominent in the text (passive voice).
  2. The teacher has the students find out the examples of the simple present tense from the text and discuss their function in the text.
  3. The teacher has the students find out the examples of passive voice from the text and discuss their function in the text.

D. Assessment

  1. The teacher assess the students’ understanding of the key concepts and details from the text. The students are asked to do a quiz (multiple-choice questions) based on the text. Those questions focus on the main idea, specific detail, vocabulary, reference, and inference, in line with the learning objectives.
  2. To input the students’ score, click here.

Closing Activities (10 minutes)

  1. The teacher asks the students to provide feedback (reflect on their learning experience) of the day.
  2. The teacher outlines the learning plan for the next meeting (the next topic of report text (the internet) and invites the students to close the session with prayer and greeting.
Glossary A. Learning Objectives
  1. identify the main idea of a report text;
  2. recognize the detailed information in a report text;
  3. understand vocabulary specific to report text, including key terms and phrases, synonym/antonym of words used within the context of the text;
  4. identify the references in a report text;
  5. make inferences from a report text.

B. Learning Benefits of the Topics

The teacher explains that learning about mosques helps students understand their important role in Muslim communities as places of worship, education, and social gathering. This lesson will also enhance students’ cultural awareness, improve their vocabulary, and encourage them to think critically about how mosques support both individual and community life.

C. Overview of the material

This lesson examines the role of mosques in Muslim communities, highlighting their functions as places of worship, education centers, and social hubs. Students will explore the cultural significance and contributions of mosques to community life.

D. General Learning Steps

Pre-Reading Activity, Vocabulary Introduction, Guided Reading (First Reading and Second Reading), Discussion of the Grammatical Aspects of the Text, and Assessment.

E. Apperception

Previously, the students learned Recount Text, then the apperception can be as follows:

The teacher explains that just as a Recount Text describes personal experiences or past events, today’s lesson will explore how mosques play a role in the life of the community. The teacher can illustrate this connection by giving an example of a personal story where visiting a mosque was a significant event, showing how the mosque contributes to both individual and communal experiences.

F. Assessment 

G. Criteria for Achieving Learning Objectives (KKTP)

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